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The Perfect Cup

The perfect shape in that taste a perfect coffee

The Cofee Machine

Our coffee can be cooked in any type of machine because it is consumed in many countries

The Moka Pot

Our coffee was born in this Neapolitan moka because great things come from small things

French Press

Even the French newspapers talk about our coffee exported to Senegal

Supreme Beans

Our raw material comes only from the best places and once worked it returns to the same places in the best finished product in the world

Coffee To Go

Pour our coffee in glasses to take away ... will keep its quality intact as drunk in a cup


The Most Coffee Manufactoring

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Life is like coffee: you can put all the sugar you want, but if you want it to become sweet you have to turn the spoon. Nothing happens when you stay still.


To be good, coffee must be black as night, sweet as love and hot as hell.

Michail Bakunin , philosopher

Enjoy coffee .... the happiest people are not the ones who have the most, but the ones who do their best with what they have ...

Francesco De Simone , owner